Welcome to our new students

We are so delighted to welcome our wonderful students back to AEW, and we wish to greet our new students. It's fantastic to see our corridors and classrooms full of smiling faces! New to AEW… why I've chosen to learn something new… Digital Skills  "I'm here to improve myself and learn about digital skills." Linda Boakya "I had been out of education for over 20 years. I was at a complete loss and had no idea how to start my learning journey. I sought advice from a student service advisor at Adult Education Wolverhampton and after being guided through my options and possible career outcomes I enrolled on maths and Essential Digital Skills".  Kesha Walker Shelton Life Skills Digital "I'm here to build my confidence and learn in an environment with people like myself." Megan Lewis "Attending classes if helping me to gain skills and build my confidence." Melanie Martin "I'm here to gain skills that will help me to achieve my goal to work in game design." Christiano Acces...

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It is all about your story

This blog is your space. Tell us your story, about your learning journey and your wonderful experiences being part of the AEW community. Why not share yours? contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "We're all made of stories. When they finally put us underground, the stories are what will go on. Not forever, perhaps, but for a time. It's a kind of immortality, I suppose, bounded by limits, it's true, but then so's everything." Charles de Lint What does the word 'story' mean? Long, short, funny, or serious? Interesting, inspiring or captivating? Whatever it is, we all have a special story to share. Stories are endless journeys, unexplored talents, or past experiences just waiting to be revealed. Why not share your idea of a story. We enjoy telling and hearing stories, and yours just might inspire someone else! What is your story, we can't wait to find out?


AEW set to be part of the new campus in the heart of the city centre

Welcome to our blog aimed at providing you with up-to-date information on progress at the new City Learning Quarter. The new campus forms part of the City's ambitious plans to transform the Old Hall Street site and surrounding area into a 'one stop shop' for learning in the city centre. The site will include updated facilities for Adult Education Wolverhampton (AEW), the Library and Wolverhampton College. Offering first class facilities for people of Wolverhampton and beyond, thousands of students are set to walk through its doors and gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen career. Delivering learning on this site since the late 1970's, Adult Education Wolverhampton is established in the city centre as the leading provider of adult education and looks forward to welcoming the new facilities to make a vibrant learning space in the centre of the city. The exciting proposals for the City Learning Quarter have been supported by an initial £6.2 million investment ...

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A busy start to the year for Life Skills students

Our Life Skills courses give students the opportunity to the learn skills and the opportunity to practice those skills to become more independent. Activities help students to find out how to keep themselves safe, about the importance of healthy eating, how to plan a journey, to improve their time management, what it means to be part of a team, how to be part of your community and work ready skills and much much more. Read on to find out what students have been doing so far this year… A trip to Go Ape... Life Skills students at Adult Education Wolverhampton want to say a big thank you to the staff at Go Ape Cannock Chase earlier this term for a fantastic day. Students were able to take part in one of their most challenging activities yet on the high ropes and zip lines. They demonstrated great resilience and team spirit – important work related skills - as they supported each other in completing the course. At the end of the day students said that it made them feel excited, brave and ha...

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Emma fast tracks her way to a Level 2 qualification

Emma Cambell

 "My Name is Emma Campbell, and this is part of my journey, supported by Wolverhampton Adult Education. Education has never been my strong suit, hence the reason I left school at 16 and went into work. Being unsure of what I wanted to do, I felt it was better to work than stay at school where I struggled. After 15 years working in Children and Young People Services, I wanted to progress in my career by completing a degree. My confidence has always set me back, especially in the area of English. So, I challenged myself to see if I could complete the online Functional Skills Level 2 English course - to see what I could do. I was sceptical at first with completing an online course and wondered if this would even be right for me, but I need not have worried. The online course turned out to be perfect for me as I have a young child and work full-time so time is at a premium. Due to the course's flexibility, the course seemed to work around me! I had fantastic support from the teacher w...

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An eventful start to the year for our Life Skills Supported Internship students

 It has been an eventful start to the year for our Life Skills Supported Internship students. Students have been taking part in activities to build and develop their employability skills. Skills include how to write a CV, job searching and the importance of attendance and punctuality when in work. We also believe in developing students wider skills. Managing and organising the student pop-up café has helped students to put into practise the transferable skills they are learning. Weekly stocktaking, shopping to renew stock, pricing items, working to a budget and serving customers is helping students to develop their confidence, improve their communication and team working skills and independent travelling. Students have taken part in enrichment activities including a visit to Cannon Raceway where they tried go karting. Students planned their journey and travelled by bus and walking, they had to follow strict health and safety protocols and instructions from staff at the venue. This...

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Life Skills - Live streaming week 2

25/01/2021 Microsoft teams was running slow first thing this morning but the group showed great determination. It did however require some technical support from class mates and a very smooth rescue mission from one individual to recover those lost in another virtual room. The team met and congratulated each other on a job well done. Despite the minor delay to the start of class they were all smiles and pleased to see each other. The group are adapting well to this new way of life and learning. It may not be a classroom as we know it but it is offering them some structure to their week. They enjoy seeing each other and the staff that support them. The first few minutes of the day are taken up with general chit chat, each asking how the others are and enquiring on theirs and their family's health. There have been a few oops moments when students forget they are participating in a class and the language seems to switch from good mannered English to …………….well I best not say. After a gent...

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AEW is helping to narrow the digital divide

Over the last 10 months it has been clear that the digital divide has been getting bigger with more people disadvantaged because they are without access to the Internet and other information and communication technologies. As further basic activities are moved online some people are unable or less able to obtain digital information, shop online, participate democratically, or learn skills and offer skills. In response to this AEW has organised a laptop loan scheme and help for students to access the internet in their own homes making it possible for more people to access what could be seen as a basic right.  Students benefit from loans scheme One group of students who have benefitted from the loan scheme is the 3 day Move On Life Skills class, all of whom now have access to laptops to enable them to engage with learning online. This is their story: Week one It's only our first week of live streaming for the Life Skills Move On Group, but it has already made a huge difference to ho...

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Learning through isolation

Business Administration students have continued to learn throughout the lockdown albeit from their dining room, kitchen, living room or bedroom.At the start of their course in September their teacher Niki Tomlinson introduced them to working with Microsoft Office 365 one of the most used software packages in the workplace.Since lockdown started students have been able to continue working towards their qualification and learning the skills needed to work in an office.The students have been collaboratively learning through the 'Teams' app.Here they can chat to each other and discuss their thoughts and opinions. For example, discussing the advantages of using electronic diary systems.Following their discussions, they have produced reports which have been uploaded into their classroom notebook.   The main change for the majority of the group is the time they access their work. Some have children who require the family laptop during the day for their learning, so the students have had ...

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House of the future

While working at home during lockdown Life Skills students started a new project to explore the use of renewable energy sources and materials.Students have been asked to design a home of the future. They investigated the reducing, recycling and reusing of materials and objects. The effects of what we produce on the environment and what we could do to limit any damaging effects. They considered what the needs of a house in the future could be taking into consideration a changing climate and use of different materials.I am very proud to say that students have been working hard on this project and have been using imaginative ways to approach their vision for a house of the future. Students have been using Lego, Knex, cardboard boxes and even Mind Craft to illustrate what they think a house of the future may look like.  Student ideas 


Preparing for university

At Adult Education our Access team continue to prepare students for university, by supporting them remotely. What is the pre-access course? Our pre access course prepares students who are not yet ready for university and need to improve their English and maths qualifications to at least Level 1. We deliver Pre-Access courses in Health combined Social Work, Business, Administration & Law and Music Technology.Following this course, students are then able to progress on to our Access to Higher Education Diplomas. Subjects include Art & Design, Business and Law, Health Professionals, Music Technology and Social Science. From here our students apply and progress to university.  A new way of learning... Marvel Smith one of our Access Health Study teachers said,"In the years prior to working at AEW, I had worked as a mentor to young people in my community. I have always enjoyed getting young people to a place where they believed they could do the thing they once thought impossibl...

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You will never walk alone


Remote learning... a new way forward!

I struggle with maths at the best of times so when England came to a standstill I wondered how I would progress. I am currently studying Functional Skills Maths Level 1 at Adult Education Wolverhampton.Our first session during the Coronavirus lockdown left me a little out in the cold, I struggled without the face-to-face direction from our fantastic teacher particularly when tackling a new topic. I can honestly say, "Week one was very challenging. But by Week two, I knew I'd had a breakthrough!"It takes time to organise resources and get used to a new way of teaching and learning but week 2 was great! Learning online in the virtual world of video conferencing is the way forward. I was in my own living room but this week the usual fun and lively dynamic of the class was back. Learning, interacting and laughing with others in my opinion is the very best way forward!This message goes out to all my fellow students. Be patient, give your teacher the credit they deserve they are doing a fant...

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Food for thought!

During the autumn term students studying on the Life Skills, Move On course learnt about the growing need for food banks, and how more people than ever are being forced to use them to help support themselves and their families. The Trussell Trust, which runs two-thirds of the UK's food banks, reported that it had distributed a record 823,145 food parcels between April and September, including 301,653 that went to children. This was a 23% increase on the same period last year, representing the steepest rise the charity has witnessed since its network of food banks was fully established. Today in the City of Wolverhampton there are families and single people struggling to buy food and other essentials. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis can mean going hungry. In response to this students decided to set up food collection boxed at Adult Education's main site and the Maltings. They collected a wide range of items that they then delivered to the local Charity 'Well'.  During th...

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Volunteering: Empowering others

 During this week's lesson, my level 2 Functional Skills English students explored the 'Word of the Week'- EMPOWER. They identified many ways to empower a person; some of the suggestions were: offering to listen, encouraging goal setting, giving someone a voice and being non-judgemental. Making sure a person is given the opportunity of friendship, is included in things, encouraged, supported and complimented will ensure they feel valued and increase their self-confidence. Giving others our time was a key message. Students produced poster to persuade people to take part in voluntary activities around Wolverhampton; the groups focused on: #OrangeWolves #SnowWolves #MolineuxSleepout Many of the students are already involved in volunteering, offering help and support at Prince's Trust, Home Start, The Good Shepherd, The Bike Shed, The Soup Kitchen, Hope into Action and the Building Better Opportunities programme. If you are looking to give some time to help others the students suggest...

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Creating a Business!

Mandy Hadfield designer/maker and painting and drawing teacher at Adult Education Wolverhampton visited the Entry Level 3 (Setting up a Creative Business) class that is helping students to explore setting up their own small creative business. Each week the sessions explore different aspects of setting up and help students to develop an awareness of their own enterprise skills.  Since completing a degree in Three Dimensional Design specialising in glass in 2002, Mandy became a teacher in art and design teaching across a wide variety of courses. Alongside being a teacher Mandy is a practising glass Artist. Mandy's glass work gains inspiration from both nature and her children's artwork giving her work a fun and uplifting feel. Mandy also provides creative based and glass workshops to all ages and abilities sharing her passion for art and design.  This week Mandy spoke to a group of aspiring entrepreneurs about her small business and shared some of the facts. She talked about he...

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Winners trip to parliament!

Each year the Festival of Learning highlights the benefits of learning and celebrates the achievements of adults who through learning have transformed their lives. In October 2019 this year's winners attended a parliamentary reception at Westminster, bringing together winners, parliamentarians and key figures from the education and skills sectors. Winners from Adult Education Wolverhampton including Seong Chua, who was awarded the English Language Learning Award and Marie Smith who received the Learning for Health Award were invited to the London event. Marie Smith Going to the parliamentary event shows parliamentarians the importance of funding for adult education. It shows how learning transforms lives not only that of the individual studying but the fantastic impact it has on their family and friends too! I really owe my life to education. It gave me my life back. Marie Smith In October 2019 I was invited to attend the houses of parliament as part of the Festival of Learning Awards ...

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World Mental Health Day 2019

Raising awareness of Mental Health In recognition of World Mental Health Day, Adult Education Wolverhampton joined local providers to deliver an important message about raising the awareness of Mental Health and promoting the support that is available across Wolverhampton. Adult Education promoted the difference learning can have on an individual and how taking part in in group learning activities can help improve health, wellbeing and enjoyment of life. It was a great day and we met with lots residents thinking of making a new start. We look forward to meeting them again one day soon in our classes. A journey... During the event we networked with some of the amazing organisations available in Wolverhampton. We met Kate Penman, one of the Authors of the magazine Collectivism (a collective of voices that authentically represent the city and promote the arts, community groups and charities) who introduced us to the Collectivism Recovery Exhibition. What a fantastic surprise it was to see...

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Access to good mental, physical health and wellbeing!

Students studying on the Access to Higher Education (H.E) Health Professionals Diploma hosted a health promotion to fellow students and staff at Adult Education Wolverhampton. As part of the course they were tasked to deliver an event aimed at highlighting issues related to mental and physical health and wellbeing. To do this, students created posters fliers and games around different topics and shared their knowledge with the public. Marvel Smith, course teacher said, "The group have taken the challenge head on. They have worked hard and produced some good research and resources into which they incorporated their own experiences. It's been a wonderful opportunity for them to experience first-hand what it is like as a health professional to deliver an important health message to the general public." What our Students said... Fiona and Natalie who delivered information about mental health both said that this part of the course had taught them how to work as part of a team and the benefi...

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Health Builder Success

Back in January 2019 students and staff were invited to join 'Health Builder' classes, aimed at improving their health and wellbeing by giving them the chance to take time out for themselves, learn a new practical skill and try something fun. The classes were a big hit with both students and staff. Classes included Creative crafts, cake decorating, flowers arranging and singing. Classes were attended well and students reported that they benefited enormously from attending. What our Students said...  We asked students their reasons for taking part and about the impact it had made to their daily lives.They said they attended to…"Have a break from work at least once a week.""Improve my fitness, to enjoy life more and increase my wellbeing.""Learn a new skill and take time out for myself.""Occupy my mind and brush up my skills." And the impact…"I have learnt lots. I have looked forward to each week and relaxed.""Class has greatly improved my confidence and artistry. Relaxing and thera...

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