Learning new skills is an incredible way to enhance your quality of life. It provides you with an escape when you need it, knowledge when you seek it and a great and satisfying pastime. Improve your confidence, meet new people and look after your mental health.

At AEW we celebrate the need to learn a creative skill for fun, for enjoyment without the pressure of working towards a qualification or learning skills for job. Join one of our Learning Clubs.


Clubs on offer


Ceramics & Pottery


Hand Knitting & Crochet


Hat Making


Patchwork & Crafts


Sewing & Textiles


Applied Arts


The subjects covered in this class are:

Classes are facilitated by self-employed experts, all of whom have previously been teachers at AEW. You pay AEW a small amount for overheads (£22.50 per term) and you pay the facilitator directly as you learn. Delivered in well-equipped rooms classes take place in city centre locations. You will need to pay for your own materials some of which we supply at subsidised rates.

You can enrol throughout the year if there is space. Get in touch to find out more.

Come to Adult Education Wolverhampton because you will: