If you are thinking about starting a course understandably there can be a lot to consider. If one of your concerns is about the associated costs of learning then read on, there could be help at hand. Look at some of the guidance below and when you apply for your course, complete our financial support application form to see if you are eligible for some help.
Being a parent and attending a course shouldn’t be a problem. Many of our courses are held while children attend school or in the evening. If however, your child is of pre-school age and you do not have a member of your family who can look after your child you will have to consider childcare arrangements while you learn with us.
You could get up to 15 hours free childcare each week for your two year old and up to 30 hours free childcare each week for your 3-4 year old for 38 weeks of the year. Places are available across Wolverhampton in a variety of childcare settings such as childminders, playgroups, children’s centres and some schools. This can support your child’s development in a fun and learning environment, whilst giving you the opportunity to enter employment or further training. There are a number of ways you could qualify for early education funding:
If you are working and in receipt of any of the following:
- are in receipt of Universal Credit
- are in receipt of Income Support
- are in receipt of income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- are in receipt of income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- receive support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act (NASS)
- receive the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Or if you are working and:
- receive Child Tax credit (but not Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income less than £16,190
- receive Working Tax Credits and have an annual income less that £16,190
- receive Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
- is a Looked After 2 year old child (or a child that has been in Local Authority care for one day or more)
- is an adopted 2 year old (from Local Authority Care)
- receive Disability Living Allowance
- care for a 2 year old child that has left the care of the Local Authority through a Special Guardianship or Child Arrangement Order or an Adoption Order
- care for a 2 year old child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan
For more information about free early education funding or to see if you are entitled visit Early Education Funding or if you wish to speak to a member of the Information for Families team please call 01902 554242.
If your child or children are aged 2, 3 or 4 years and you are entitled to early education funding, you are required to use this entitlement prior to making an application for reimbursement for additional childcare hours through our discretionary learning support fund.
You can make an application for reimbursement of childcare if the following applies to you:
If you are studying for on an accredited course (check with your tutor) and currently unemployed, looking for work and in receipt of the following benefits: -
- Universal Credit and in a Work Group
- Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
- Income Support
- Employment and Support Allowance (work related activity group and support group)
Your household is in receipt of one of the following means-tested benefits: -
- Council Tax Reduction
- Housing Benefit
- Pension Guarantee Credit
- Working Tax Credit
We will only make payments directly to OFSTED registered childcare providers . For more information and to make an application please get in touch with Student Services on 01902 551658.
On occasions there may be other costs associated with your course. There may be an organised trip, ingredients to purchase for a cookery course, flowers to purchase for a floristry course or other essential costs for books or equipment. If the following apply to you we welcome your application:
- If you are studying an accredited course (check with your tutor if you are not sure)
If you receive any of the following benefits: -
- Universal Credit and in a Work Group
- Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
- Income Support
- Employment and Support Allowance (work related activity group and support group)
For more information and to make an application please get in touch with Student Services on 01902 551658.