Are you a former student of AEW? We invite you to get in touch.
We want our students to become an integral part of the Adult Education Wolverhampton community and we would love to invite you to become part of our Alumni. We ask you to stay in touch and keep connected long after you have left.
We are very proud of our alumni, students who have gone on to progress to further learning, to new careers or progressed in their lives.
As a graduate of Adult Education Wolverhampton, you are automatically a member of the AEW alumni community. No need to register but keeping us updated with your current contact details is crucial to ensuring you stay connected.
You could also become one of our Adult Education Wolverhampton (AEW) Ambassadors. You would represent AEW at our open days or campaign events. Who better to promote the good work AEW does than previous students. Students who have successfully achieved and moved onto fulfil their dreams.
Interested? Click here get in touch.
Our brand new Alumni Wall of Fame is a wall where we display photos and information about past students who have gone on to do great things at university, in their communities or in the workplace. We want to know what you do next and ask you to get in touch.
How to get involved
To get involved email a picture of yourself and a short description of what you are doing to
We are always delighted to hear from past students and will be delighted to welcome you back.
Stay in touch and keep connected.
Case Studies
Check back soon to read through our alumni case studies