Listening to your views


Your voice is important in ensuring that the Service is meeting your needs. There are a number of ways in which you can express your views to help us to improve the Service.

The Classroom

To enable you to succeed in your studies, it is important that there is regular feedback between you and your tutor on your progress, achievements and future goals.

Apart from the regular interaction and feedback between you and your tutor in the classroom, there will be regular progress reviews to assess your progress and it is important that you participate fully in these reviews to help you succeed.

There will also be formal assessments of your progress.

This feedback between you and your tutor is very important in ensuring that we are meeting your needs and helping you to succeed in your programme of study.

Surveys and Focus Groups

We will seek your views about different services we offer through occasional surveys which may be on-line or paper-based. We may also ask you to join a focus group to air your experiences or opinions about a particular topic. We recognise that it is important we listen and then take action.
Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Process

We strive to deliver a high quality service to all of our students across all of our programmes. We regularly ask for feedback about the different services we offer in order that we can continue to develop as an organisation. We recognise that there will be occasions when we don’t get it right and therefore we welcome complaints and suggestions in order that we can change and improve our service.

If you do have a complaint, we can assure you we will act promptly and with discretion and no-one will be treated differently as a result of making a complaint.

If you have a complaint about any aspect of the service you have received, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, you should take the following action:

  • Firstly, talk through your experience with a member of staff. We will always listen to your concern and try to deal with it at an early stage to prevent further problems. Please allow enough time for us to come back to you with an agreed way forward.
  • If you feel that your concern has not been resolved, please complete a Compliments, Concerns and Complaints form, available from our information points or any member of staff. Please give as much detail as possible in order that we can process it quickly and efficiently.

We also welcome comments about what has gone well and those elements of our Service that deserve a compliment, so please let us know.

Policy and Procedure
Compliments, Concerns and Complaints | PDF | Download

Views, Comments and Suggestions 

Your voice matters. Get in touch now!

Do you have any views, comments or suggestions about the service we provide at Adult Education Wolverhampton? Big or small, good or bad we want to hear from you.

Click here and share your thoughts with us.

We want you to know that we take your views seriously. We will listen and respond to them in a timely and appropriate way. We will display our responses on our Views, Comments, and Suggestions board in the Foyer Building.

If you want to remain anonymous add your phone number and we will give you a call to deal with issues directly.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.