At Adult Education Wolverhampton we know that it is important that you get the right support at the right time to make important decisions about your future career. We will provide the support that you need at all stages of your career journey - from starting out on your career to reskilling and upskilling.
Our Career Service Standards explain what you can expect from Adult Education Wolverhampton.
We will give you the:
- right information and support to achieve your personal goals
- up to date information about current jobs and future study
- right guidance and advice at the right times for you
- best chance of moving into work by connecting our courses with job opportunities
- chance to meet employers to learn about the skills that you will need at work
- opportunities for personal experience of work
- information you need if you are thinking about future learning in colleges, universities and the workplace.
- opportunities to have guidance interviews with trained advisors to help you make the right career choices for you
Wolves Workbox
Wolves Workbox is an online resource dedicated to local people, helping you to find all the support and information you need for your journey into employment or further study
With over 200 pages of content, you will be sure to find everything you need
On Workbox you will find:
- Careers advice and information
- Over 10 pages of all-age apprenticeship content
- Information about local training providers
- Projects and organisations that can support you into work
- Support service information and contact details
- Job opportunities
- In-work benefits advice
- CV and interview support
- An up-to-date events page, keeping you informed of local skills and employment related events
You can also sign up to our mailing list so that we can make you aware of local job and training opportunities via email.