Family Learning
Family Learning
Family Learning
Subject Information

Welcome to Family Learning. Be inspired to motivate your child, be ready to have fun and be amazed at what you can do.

These courses are for you and your family or friends, sometimes with or without your child.

Develop new skills and make new friends in a safe learning environment.

Family English, Maths and Language (FEML) courses focus on the development of wider literacy and number skills. The course, ‘School Maths’, offers parents an opportunity to take part in developing maths in the same way your child is taught in school, giving you the confidence to support your child with their numeracy skills at home.

Courses such as ‘Parent Champions’ or How to volunteer in your community’ will support you to volunteer in your community.

Wider Family Learning (WFL) courses, offers short, fun activities to initially engage parents and children to provide their first steps into learning.

Family Learning is delivered in most Primary Schools and in Strengthening Family Hubs across Wolverhampton. If this is something that you want to learn more about and get involved in, please get in touch with us, or speak to someone at your child’s school.

Apply today to Relight Your Future.

These courses will help to build your confidence and help you to think about your future options and provide you with transferable skills for any job.

How to enrol

We offer enrolment on many courses at different times throughout the year and also deliver courses at community locations across the city.

You can apply for a course in the following ways:

Find out more about how to enrol here.