1 minute reading time (186 words)

Stacey Perrins – Certificate in Digital Skills Level 3

"I first enrolled at AWE in 2020 at the age of 50 whilst looking to make a career change. Due to health issues, a physically demanding job such as a carer was no longer suitable for me so I needed to re-train to find a new career.

I worked through my business and administration qualifications and whilst still studying I gained a placement at a school. This eventually led to my current role as an ICT Administration at a special school for SEND.

After a fantastic learning experience, my first option for a new qualification would be with AEW. In September 2023 I enrolled onto a Certificate in IT Skills at Level 3. I aim to upgrade my qualifications in order to apply for a promotion or look for an alternative role at a higher position.

I can honestly say that my confidence has grown and I have realised that it is never too late to make a difference. My husband and children are proud of my achievements and I must admit no one is more surprised than me."

Danielle Robotham - Floristry Level 2
Chelsea Malone – Childcare

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