1 minute reading time (197 words)

Nicky Harun ESOL Level 1 – (Hafidah Harun)

"Being from Malaysia English is not my first language so I struggled to communicate when I first arrived in the UK. It was essential for me to learn English so that I could integrate into my new home, become part of my community, and find work.

In 2020 I started attending ESOL classes and have worked my way from entry level though to the ESOL Level 1 classes that I am attending now.

My attendance has always been good as I know how important it is to get as much knowledge as I can from each class I attend. Communication in the classroom is essential for my language skills and speaking and listening during sessions is helping me with my grammar and pronunciation.

Since attending classes my language and communication skills have improved and this has given me the confidence to apply for work in retail. I continue to learn and day by day my English skills are improving. At home in Malaysia, I worked in hospitality and would one day like to return to this line of work so I will continue improving my language skills until I can." 

Gorm Graham - Digital Skills and Maths
Callium Stubbs - Functional Skills English Level 2

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