1 minute reading time (206 words)

Naurid Sharmin - BSL Level 2

"Inspired by my daughter I started An Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) in 2022 and have progressed through the levels to my current course where I and studying for a BSL Level 2 qualification.

Learning has been a wonderful experience so attending classes is a joy, I never want to miss one. With BSL being a visual language it's so much easier to learn in a classroom environment as visual gestures and eye contact are essential to learning this language. Good attendance is important, missing sessions is just not beneficial.

I was a stay-at-home for 12 years and now my learning journey has given me the confidence to apply for work and my qualifications have enabled me the opportunity to secure a job as a Lunchtime Supervisor. A great starting point that fits around my family.

Being a stay-at-home was a wonderful privilege but now it's time for me to learn and progress. My confidence has soared and I am now no longer just my husband's wife and my daughter's mum. I am excited about future learning and the potential career opportunities that my learning will bring. BSL has opened up a new line of communication and possibilities." 

Nadia Abdullah – Digital Skills Level 3
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