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Gorm Graham - Digital Skills and Maths

"I first came to Adult Education Wolverhampton in 2019 to complete a Level 2 functional skill qualification in maths. At the time my son was struggling with maths at school so not only did I want to gain the qualification, but I also wanted to be able to help him understand the subject and how best to work out a solution. In 2020 I gained the Level 2 qualification and the skills to help my son in a more informed manner. A great result all round.

I work full-time as an Administration Assistant for the Good Shepherd which involves working on a computer all day. In September 2023 I decided to return to AEW and gain an IT qualification that would enhance my knowledge. At the time I thought I knew a lot about using a computer but I soon realized that my knowledge wasn't quite as vast as I had thought and that the Certificate in IT User Skills L3 would be a great asset to my work and personal life.

Coming to classes at AEW has made a great impact on my life, not only has it given me additional skills that are helping make life easier at work, but it allows me the opportunity to enjoy the classroom environment, something that to begin with I wasn't sure I would like.

I'm getting the bug for learning and plan to expand on other areas of learning that I haven't had the opportunity to explore yet." 

Priyanka Khanduja – GCSE Maths and English
Nicky Harun ESOL Level 1 – (Hafidah Harun)

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