Chelsea Malone – Childcare
"At the age of 15 I was diagnosed with a multitude of conditions that had severely affected me for many years. These included ADHD, Autism, and anxiety disorder, to name but a few, resulting in me struggling at school and failing my exams.
When I left school, I flitted from job to job never finding anything I could aspire to maintain. I needed to find a job that would hold my interest and captivate my attention. I heard about Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO) and wanted to learn more. Having struggled with my own problems and having 2 young children who have been diagnosed with additional Special needs this was something I wanted to pursue as a possible career.
In September 2023 I enrolled onto a Level 2 Childcare course which I have recently completed and passed. This has motivated and inspired me to progress further in the pursuit of a career as a SENCO.
Not only have I gained a qualification but the course has helped me to manage my own issues and to better understand and deal with the behaviour that my children present. When growing up I struggled and slipped through the net. I don't want future generations to suffer like I did without support. Working towards a career as a SENCO will help me to help them.
Adult Education Wolverhampton (AEW) is a fantastic learning environment where teachers care about the individual's learning needs and encourage and inspire students to progress and succeed. Next year I will move onto the Level 2 Teaching Assistant qualification and I will be studying GCSE maths.
My recommendation to anyone reading this is to give yourself time, stop stressing about what you can't do and focus on what you can. Attending classes at AEW has felt like coming home, I have finally found a learning environment that fits and they are helping me pursue my dream."