A portrait of 'Life Skills'

During their latest session Life Skills 'Keep Moving' students were accompanied by teacher Hannah Boyd on a visit to the BP British Portrait Award at Wolverhampton Art Gallery. BP British Portrait Awards The exhibition is an annual celebration of contemporary painted portraiture by artists of all ages from across the world. The competition is one of the most important platforms for portrait painters and one of the largest global arts competitions. This year, 2667 entries were received from artists in 88 countries. Each was judged anonymously by a panel of judges (the artists' name, nationality, gender and age were withheld) and the list was gradually reduced to just 48 exceptional portraits for the exhibition. Source: Wolverhampton Art Gallery 'Life Skills' students get involved Whilst at the gallery students discussed the work in the exhibition, they chose their favourite portrait and explained why. They used mobile devices to take pictures of each other in front of the paintings, not...

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An interactive visit to Birmingham Ort Gallery

On Thursday 15th November Life Skills teacher Hannah Boyd took her group on a visit to Birmingham's Ort Gallery to see Saranjit Birdi's 'Mapping Bones' exhibition. During the visit the group were invited to interact with the exhibition and were encouraged to draw on a long piece of paper on the wall with pencils taped to parts of the body (a process which the artist himself uses). During the visit students learnt about and discussed the bones in the body, a topic that they will continue to research in coming weeks.The aim of our life skills classes are to promote independence and encourage our students to participate in different daily activities.This week's visit has incorporated travelling by bus and train. During the day students also visited the Bull at the Bullring (a popular tourist attraction) and also visited Birmingham's annual German Christmas market.Photos include the Student group, Support Worker Lindsey Searby, PGCE student Kate Hall and Teacher Hannah Boyd and the student...

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Creating for Health & Well-being

 At Adult Education Wolverhampton we acknowledge the power of taking part in the arts and in group activities to improve health and well-being. "Like Minds" classes are ideal for anyone recovering from stress, anxiety or mild depression. Students need a referral from their GP, Nurse or Healthcare Professional. In the sessions students learn new skills, focus, build renewed self-esteem and interact in a safe environment…a place for them to gain the confidence to move on. Like Minds Art and Crafts The Like minds Art and Craft group have worked on many different projects since the beginning of term including paper bead bracelets, weaving coaster mats and the latest one is to create a fabric memorial poppy. During the session students have learnt many new creative techniques.With the support of the teacher the students themselves discuss, share ideas and decide on the projects that they do each week. Since attending these sessions students have gained the confidence to expand their in...

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Life Skills visit to Imperial War Museum Manchester

This term Students attending the Life Skills 'Move on and Keep Learning' class have been researching the history of World War 1. On Tuesday 6th November the group visited the Imperial War Museum in Manchester.During the day students got to see all the exhibits related to the First World War, this included the exhibitions 'Lest we forget' and 'Poppies: Wave'. They recorded their visit through photographs and had the opportunity to speak to veterans who volunteer at the museum. Some students had been looking into their family history and were able to share their personal stories.Students also got the chance to look at wartime artefacts which helped them to relate to the experience of the time and to bring what they had been learning in class to life. After the visit students shared what they learnt through discussion. Dawn Ohm (AEW Staff) went along on the trip to support the students and felt very privileged to see the fantastic rapport between the students, tutors, support workers and ...

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Celebrating Black History Month 2018


AEW unveils WW1 commemorative plaque


Alison Jones

Alison's story I would encourage anyone else who is missing an essential qualification, as I was, to enrol with Adult Education Wolverhampton. Alison Jones A mum was inspired to go back into the classroom by her children – and finally passed her GCSE maths almost 25 years after first trying.Alison Jones wanted to retrain as a teaching assistant but needed GCSE maths to do so. Now, a quarter of a century after leaving school and spurred on by her children, she has made the grade with the Ofsted Outstanding-rated Adult Education Wolverhampton.The 41-year-old said: "I have to say maths was probably one of the biggest hurdles in my life. I really struggled with it throughout school and failed my GCSE in 1993."After leaving school, I worked for the council for 18 years before being made redundant. I really wanted to retrain and become a teaching assistant and perhaps eventually a teacher, and for this only maths as a GCSE was acceptable."To complete her CV, Alison enrolled onto a part-time ...

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Casey Gavin

Casey's story I am living proof that with hard work, support and determination you can reach your goals. Casey Gavin I joined Adult Education Wolverhampton in 2017 to begin my learning journey.Recommended by my social worker (who had also started her journey at Adult Education) I joined the Access to Higher Education course in Social Science and have since then, never looked back.I was a young carer from the age of 10 then went into care at the age of 12. It wasn't easy growing up but this gave me the strength and determination to work hard to gain whatever I needed to succeed. I have a 3 year old son and will do everything in my power to give him a better start in life.I had always planned to go to university but at the age of 17 I found myself pregnant so my plan was put on hold. When my son was 2 I decided it was time to start again and put my plan back into action.When I started the Access course I was riddled with fear. At school I was bullied and was really apprehensive about thi...

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Kashina Summan

Kashina's story Without the Access to Nursing course, the highly qualified and supportive teachers and the support I had with childcare, none of this would have been possible. Kashina Summan My name is Kashina Summan I am a product of a great education that started at Adult Education Wolverhampton in 2012.After leaving school I went on to college with the aspiration of going to study at university in London, but at the age of 19 I found myself pregnant and unable to progress with my plan to further my learning. When my son was born in 2012 this gave me even more incentive to find a way to carry on with my studies and 6 weeks after he was born (with a recommendation from a friend) I enrolled on an Access to Higher Education Nursing course at Adult Education.To begin with I was overwhelmed by the responsibility of being a single mum and the pressure of learning. I was riddled with guilt for putting my son into day care whilst I studied but it was the only way I could enable us a better f...

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Mary Murphy

Mary's story I often recommend Adult Education to my neighbours, friends and colleagues. Mary Murphy My name is Mary Murphy, I came to Adult Education Wolverhampton in September 2017 to study Functional Skills Maths at Level 2.Prior to starting my Maths qualification I was a disillusioned teacher working in secondary education. I loved teaching but was concerned with the number of children suffering mental health issues and the lack of help that was in place to support them. At the age of 45, in what I call my second phase of life I felt I needed to stop complaining and make a change in my own life to help make a difference to others.My plan was to re-train and work as a nurse in mental health, but in order to do so I had to conquer one of my biggest fears…Maths. As a child I had a strict upbringing and education was a priority, so when I made mistakes I was scolded, which consequently made me develop a mental block and fear for Maths.As soon as I came to Adult Education I was made to ...

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Baljeet Bhogal

Baljeet's story Adult Education has given me the opportunity to grow and expand my capabilities. Baljeet Bhogal My name is Baljeet Bhogal I am a student on Life Skills classes.I have attended classes at Adult Education for a number of years, and can honestly say that learning has helped me a great deal with my social and practical skills. Since attending classes my confidence has grown, I have learnt many new things and feel much more able to participate with all activities that I encounter every day.Attending classes has opened up many opportunities. I have made many new friends which in turn introduced me to the Special Olympics. I started to play table tennis as a hobby which soon turned into a passion. I now play table tennis for the Wolverhampton Special Olympic team and have done so for many years.In 2017 I took part in the Special Olympics in Sheffield where I won several medals at different levels. Every year we go to Special Olympics tournaments/games and in the summer of this...

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Veena Kumari

Veena's story At the age of 25 I moved from the Punjab to Italy and spent the following 17 years raising my family and living as an Italian citizen. For many years I dreamt of making the UK my home and in 2015 I emigrated here with my family. England was a place that held more opportunity. Somewhere we could make a better life for ourselves.I immediately enrolled on an ESOL class at Adult Education Wolverhampton and have never looked back. My English has greatly improved and so has my confidence. I feel I have come a long way with my language skills and am excited about the future.I have also been attending Childcare classes as I would like to work with children. I encourage my own children to study as I feel this will give us all a much better future.Adult Education is an excellent place where adults have the chance to succeed. I have and will continue to recommend it to friends and family. Feeling inspired? Change your life. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Tell us your...

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Rosemary Heather Davies

Rosemary's story I used to have really low self-esteem, now I have a sense of self-worth. Rosemary Heather Davies I decided to continue with my education after I left school because I wasn't happy with the low grades I achieved. While I was at school I was told that I would never achieve anything higher than a D grade. I wanted to prove that I could do better.I want to become a Teaching Assistant to support as many children as I can with their education and I want to believe in myself as much as I believe in othersI always felt that because of my GCSE results I let my family down. My family are now proud of me and understand that I am very determined when it comes to learning.I used to have really low self-esteem, now I have a sense of self-worth. Feeling inspired? Change your life. Click the button below to find out more about our English GCSE courses.  English courses Tell us your story Were you once a student at Adult Education Wolverhampton, or perhaps still studying with us? ...

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Marie Smith

Marie's story  Education has changed my life! Marie Smith As a young child I was abused both physically and sexually; this affected my behaviour and I did not take my education seriously. I left school at an early age before taking any of my GCSE's. I later went through more physical abuse when I got married. I had 2 children and brought them up on my own after divorcing their father. I concentrated on being a good mother and protected my children from any of the dangers that I had faced growing up.After my children left home I realised I had been scarred by the traumas I faced growing up. I became severely depressed and was unable to leave my house. I lived in my bedroom for years. I had suicidal thoughts every day.I sought help through Healthy Minds Wolverhampton and I was allocated to Pond Lane Psychotherapy services. It was in one of my sessions that I was asked if I would like to join the Like Minds course at Adult Education Wolverhampton. I was informed that they were short ...

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Hai Yan He

Hai's story  I would highly recommend Adult Education. Hai Yan He I first came to the UK in 2013 and found it really difficult to settle into my new life. Having limited English made it difficult to communicate outside of my own family and close friends.In 2016 I came to Adult Education to learn English. I wanted to be independent and learn the language to get a job. I have completed an ESOL Level 1 qualification. I am now studying GCSE Maths. The course has given me the skills and the confidence to start looking for work, which I am planning to do soon. I am proud to say that I can now help my 2 children with their school work."The teachers are supportive, friendly and always very encouraging. I would highly recommend Adult Education." Feeling inspired? Change your life. English for Speakers of Other Languages GCSE Maths Tell us your story Were you once a student at Adult Education Wolverhampton, or perhaps still studying with us? We would love to hear your learning story about h...

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Mohammed IJaz

Mohammed's story I am currently studying British Sign Language (BSL) Level 2. As a child I was hard of hearing and wore hearing aids and my best friend was deaf, so using BSL was the natural choice of communication.My former teacher recommended Adult Education to gain a BSL qualification. I started Level 1 in September 2015 and have now progressed to BSL Level 2. Since attending classes my confidence with the language has grown and I feel more self- assured.I plan to continue to a higher level BSL course so that I can get a job in this area. Feeling inspired? Change your life. British Sign Language (BSL) Tell us your story Were you once a student at Adult Education Wolverhampton, or perhaps still studying with us? We would love to hear your learning story about how you have progressed and how learning has helped to change your life for the better. Contact us


Dmytro Bachyk

I first came to Adult Education in the mid 1980's and attended woodwork classes. At the time I was working full time in the printing industry. In 2012 I had a nervous breakdown and for the next four years suffered with mental health.As my health improved so did my determination to start again and get my life back on track. In 2016 I returned to Adult Education Wolverhampton. I started and completed English, Maths and a Level 1 Office and Administration Skills course and I am currently studying for the Level 2 Office Skills qualification.My experience at Adult Education has been a great one. My confidence has soared. I have gained skills that will enable me to go back to work, and I now feel ready for the next phase of my life. I am currently applying for jobs and am feeling positive about my future. To anyone thinking about returning to learning I would highly recommend Adult Education Wolverhampton. In the 1980's it was a great place to learn. Today it's an excellent place to learn. D...

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Shano Qader

I came to the UK from Iraq in 2009 and made my new home in Wolverhampton. I had studied English at school but using this in everyday life in the UK was not so easy. I needed to gain a much stronger grasp of the English language.When I first enrolled in 2014 I was very shy, but as I started to learn, my language skills and confidence grew. Adult Education has helped improve my communication skills and my chances of getting a job. My children have also benefited as I can help them with their homework. I have made many new friends from different cultures and look to a great future for me and my family.I plan to progress onto functional skills and would eventually like to work as a Teaching Assistant or a Nurse. Because of Adult Education my options are open! I have already recommended this fantastic place to my family and friends.


Sonia Sahota

I came to Wolverhampton from the Punjab in 2015 and I started ESOL classes. My language skills where limited, I wanted to improve my communication skills and fit into my new life.Since then I have progressed through the levels and am currently studying towards my Level 1 qualification. My skills have improved and I feel much more confident. I have completed my Childcare Level 1 and am currently working towards my Maths Level 1 qualification.Since attending Adult Education I have found seasonal employment and have recently been interviewed for different positions. My long term plan is to progress on to the Childcare Level 2 and work toward a career as a nursery school teacher. Adult Education is really helping me to change my life and better my prospects. I was made to feel comfortable really quickly. The teachers here are all brilliant, and learning is fun. I recommended Adult Education to a couple of my friends who also agree that it really is a great place to learn. Sonia Sahota


Maths Entry Level 2 - Group achievement

Tutor Niki is delighted with the achievements of her Maths Entry Level 2 students who meet on a Friday morning. The group have made excellent progress and have taken their Maths exam three months early. What a great result!Students said, "Maths is everywhere, each week we tell our teacher how we have used numbers in our daily lives." When asked why they decided to join a maths class they said: So I can help my children with their Maths homework Lecia So I can get on to an access to nursing course. Queen I want to be a Classroom Assistant in a school and this will help. Nargis I want to work in care and this will help me get there. Kim