Danielle Robotham - Floristry Level 2

"After turning 30 and experiencing a significant life event, I made the pivotal decision to pursue a career that would represent my passion rather than simply pay the bills. In 2022, I enrolled in a floristry course at Adult Education Wolverhampton, marking the beginning of my journey toward a more fulfilling and creative career. Since then, I have steadily progressed through the various levels of the course and am currently working towards my Level 2 qualification, which will open the door to paid work in the floristry industry. I have gained extensive knowledge and practical skills, whilst attending classes. The supportive and encouraging environment fostered by my teacher has made my learning experience both enjoyable and rewarding. Over the past two years, my passion for floristry has only grown, and I am confident that this is the right career path for me. My goal is to complete my qualification, secure paid employment in the floristry industry, and eventually establish myself as ...

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Callium Stubbs - Functional Skills English Level 2

"Wanting to better my prospects for future employment in September 2022 I enrolled in English Functional Skills and worked my way from Level 1 through to Functional Skills Level 2.  From the beginning, it was clear that good attendance was essential to gaining good grades. Being in the classroom gave me direct access to each week's course content and the teacher's support, helping me to gain confidence in the different topics that we covered. I went on to pass both levels with good grades and it has motivated me to do my GCSE Maths. I'm almost halfway through the qualification and now feel more confident about my future opportunities. I currently work as a Cleaning Technician at a hospital but want to gain further skills to move into a different line of work. I'm currently looking at different learning options to further enhance my future job prospects."


Stacey Perrins – Certificate in Digital Skills Level 3

"I first enrolled at AWE in 2020 at the age of 50 whilst looking to make a career change. Due to health issues, a physically demanding job such as a carer was no longer suitable for me so I needed to re-train to find a new career. I worked through my business and administration qualifications and whilst still studying I gained a placement at a school. This eventually led to my current role as an ICT Administration at a special school for SEND. After a fantastic learning experience, my first option for a new qualification would be with AEW. In September 2023 I enrolled onto a Certificate in IT Skills at Level 3. I aim to upgrade my qualifications in order to apply for a promotion or look for an alternative role at a higher position. I can honestly say that my confidence has grown and I have realised that it is never too late to make a difference. My husband and children are proud of my achievements and I must admit no one is more surprised than me."


Chelsea Malone – Childcare

"At the age of 15 I was diagnosed with a multitude of conditions that had severely affected me for many years. These included ADHD, Autism, and anxiety disorder, to name but a few, resulting in me struggling at school and failing my exams. When I left school, I flitted from job to job never finding anything I could aspire to maintain. I needed to find a job that would hold my interest and captivate my attention. I heard about Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO) and wanted to learn more. Having struggled with my own problems and having 2 young children who have been diagnosed with additional Special needs this was something I wanted to pursue as a possible career. In September 2023 I enrolled onto a Level 2 Childcare course which I have recently completed and passed. This has motivated and inspired me to progress further in the pursuit of a career as a SENCO. Not only have I gained a qualification but the course has helped me to manage my own issues and to better understand a...

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Baljit Kaur – Family Learning St Luke’s Primary

"Having worked for most of my life when I had my children, I became a stay-at-home mum. When my boys started school, I had some free time during the day so I joined a group at my son's school where I engaged in voluntary work, assisting the class teacher and the children with their work. An activity that I really enjoy doing. This experience then led me to attending and completing a Level 3 Teaching Assistant Diploma at Adult Education Wolverhampton (AEW) back in 2020. Subsequently, the COVID-19 pandemic had taken hold and everything locked down, putting my hopes of applying to become a teaching assistant on standstill. In 2023, AEW started to deliver Family Learning classes at my Children's school giving me another opportunity to gain further skills that would help my progression back into the workplace and give me more confidence with English and Maths which I was lacking. Currently, I am attending an English Grammar for parents class and have recently completed the Maths for parents...

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Ina Balode – GCSE Maths

"I have been a stay-at-home mum for 4 years looking after my 2 youngest children. In September 2023 I decided the time was right for me to pursue my learning and gain the qualifications to move into part-time employment, with aspirations to eventually become self-employed working in the rental market. I enrolled onto GCSE maths and a Level 1 Retail and Business course. This has been a fantastic experience and has helped to stimulate my brain and has given me, not only the essential skills to progress my career opportunities but also the chance to get out of the house and be with individuals who are pursuing a similar goal. The teachers have been great and deliver the subjects with dedication, at a good pace and with humour, which has made learning a pleasure. In September 2024 I will be progressing to a Business Level 2 qualification and hope to start my GCSE English. My journey is still in its early days but University and self-employment are my dream goals." Ina completed the Higher ...

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Sokar Ahmed Hussein – GCSE Maths

"I am originally from Iraq and previous to joining my husband here in the UK I had completed 3 years of my pharmacy degree. With only one year left to complete I thought I would be able to continue the qualification at a British university. Little did I know then that I would have to start my education all over again. I am determined to gain whatever skills are needed to move on to university and complete a pharmacy degree. After consulting an advisor, it was recommended I start by gaining my Maths and English qualifications. I have studied at Adult Education for the past year, completed my GCSE maths, I am working through my English Functional Skill and am gained my science qualifications online. Studying at Adult Education has been a great experience. The teachers are excellent and have been very welcoming. Starting from the very beginning has been a challenge, however, I have always loved learning and will continue until I reach my goal. I am determined to be an independent working ...

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Priyanka Khanduja – GCSE Maths and English

"Originally from India, I had studied hard and worked as a full-time school librarian, a job I loved. When I first visited Adult Education Wolverhampton (AEW) my heart and mind had no hope and the idea that I had to start my education from the beginning was daunting. I sought guidance from Student Services who looked at my situation and suggested a course of study. This would help me to work towards the skills required to enable me to once again pursue my dream career as a librarian here in the UK. In 2023 I started a programme of study that included GCSE maths and English. This gave me new hope, a new routine, a positive elevation in my confidence, and an acceptance and respect for my self-worth. The tutor's support, understanding, patient approach and constant encouragement has made learning an unforgettable experience. Studying has already given me the confidence to apply for jobs and I am starting to get accepted for interviews. I will continue learning until I have the skills and ...

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Gorm Graham - Digital Skills and Maths

"I first came to Adult Education Wolverhampton in 2019 to complete a Level 2 functional skill qualification in maths. At the time my son was struggling with maths at school so not only did I want to gain the qualification, but I also wanted to be able to help him understand the subject and how best to work out a solution. In 2020 I gained the Level 2 qualification and the skills to help my son in a more informed manner. A great result all round. I work full-time as an Administration Assistant for the Good Shepherd which involves working on a computer all day. In September 2023 I decided to return to AEW and gain an IT qualification that would enhance my knowledge. At the time I thought I knew a lot about using a computer but I soon realized that my knowledge wasn't quite as vast as I had thought and that the Certificate in IT User Skills L3 would be a great asset to my work and personal life. Coming to classes at AEW has made a great impact on my life, not only has it given me addition...

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Pauline Lim – British Sign Language (BSL) Level 2

"When I first started attending British Sign Language (BSL) classes back in 2022 my teacher highlighted the importance of good attendance and a commitment to learning. I have progressed from an introduction to BSL through to a Level 2 qualification that I am currently attending. I am committed to learning and gaining an invaluable qualification so good attendance is essential to gaining the knowledge and skills to progress in the subject. Missing sessions would only result in missing valuable information. Additionally, I do extra work at home because I want to succeed… My family has labelled me the swot, which is highly amusing. I am a semi-retired midwife and have benefited endlessly from learning BSL. My communication skills at work, at home, and in the community are enhanced.It's a great asset having an additional language."


Nicky Harun ESOL Level 1 – (Hafidah Harun)

"Being from Malaysia English is not my first language so I struggled to communicate when I first arrived in the UK. It was essential for me to learn English so that I could integrate into my new home, become part of my community, and find work. In 2020 I started attending ESOL classes and have worked my way from entry level though to the ESOL Level 1 classes that I am attending now. My attendance has always been good as I know how important it is to get as much knowledge as I can from each class I attend. Communication in the classroom is essential for my language skills and speaking and listening during sessions is helping me with my grammar and pronunciation. Since attending classes my language and communication skills have improved and this has given me the confidence to apply for work in retail. I continue to learn and day by day my English skills are improving. At home in Malaysia, I worked in hospitality and would one day like to return to this line of work so I will continue imp...

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Nadia Abdullah – Digital Skills Level 3

"I am currently a stay-at-home mother to my 3 children and believe that it is essential to learn skills that will help me to develop myself and to have the tools and skills to help my children. Attending classes has never been a problem for me as I love learning and appreciate that the more I attend the more I learn. I have only missed one class in the whole time I have been studying with AEW. I love the classroom environment and my interaction with my fellow students. We not only learn from the course teacher but from each other too, making it a wonderful environment in which to study. Having good attendance has enabled me to cover all aspects of each course working my way from beginner to my current Level 3 Digital skills qualification. In today's digital world, my qualifications will help me with general day-to-day life and will be a great asset to me for future learning and employment."


Denvil Paisley - Move on with your digital skills

"I am 53 and have worked in construction for over 20 years until I had an accident in October 2022 and broke my leg. Whilst in recovery I have had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to do. I had always wanted to learn more about computers so with lots of time on my hands this was the ideal opportunity to find out more. In September 2023 I enrolled at Adult Education Wolverhampton onto digital skills and a course that covers business and digital marketing skills. In the short time I have been attending class I have already gained invaluable information. I have learned skills that are helping me to manage my everyday life and gaining information about online safety that has given me the confidence to work online. I am really enjoying the subject and I have started to consider this as an option for future employment. I am still in recovery and a manual job may no longer be the best option. The teachers have been great and are always happy to explain and repeat instructions. As a c...

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Gorethy Niyonkuru – Get confident with Digital skills

"I am a 52-year-old mother of 4, my 3 younger children are at school and my oldest is grown and independent. This now is my opportunity to chase my dream of becoming a nurse specialising in midwifery. With English not being my first language and with very limited English skills, it was very important for me to learn the language to enable me to live, work, and raise a family in this country. I originally enrolled at Adult Education back in 2015 when I started ESOL classes working my way from ESOL through to English functional skills. Today I am determined to gain all the necessary qualifications to progress on to an Access to Higher Education Diploma, move on to university, and graduate as a nurse. In September 2023 I enrolled in Functional Skills English Level 2 and Digital Skills Level 1. Studying at Adult Education Wolverhampton has been a fantastic experience, I have learned to read, write, and communicate in English and my digital skills have opened up a new world. Learning has gi...

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Bernadette Francis

"Originally from the Caribbean, I came to live in the UK in 2014. Keen to continue my health, beauty and textile manufacturing business I knew that I needed to gain qualifications that would help me to start again here in the UK. Lacking in confidence and feeling apprehensive I plucked up the courage to enrol at Adult Education Wolverhampton. I needed to gain skills and qualifications in Maths, English, ICT and Bookkeeping, skills that would help me re-launch my business. In September 2016 at the age of 55, my journey started once again. English wasn't my strongest subject but with determination and lots of support and encouragement from my teachers, I worked my way from Functional Skills through to GCSE. It was a fantastic result for someone who had lacked confidence and self-belief. I went on to pass all of my courses with good results. When COVID hit the UK like everyone my life came to a standstill… However, this became a positive time for me to pursue my business and work out how ...

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Patrice Lawrence - Access to H.E Business and Law

"Life can be like a roller coaster whilst handling the responsibilities and priorities that come with one's life journey. With that being said, furthering my education was added to my roller coaster ride as I took the step to enrol on to an Access to H.E Diploma with Adult Education Wolverhampton; one of the best decisions I have made. Attending classes was vital, as I knew missing classes would not be beneficial to myself and what I wanted to accomplish. Even though the course was full on, the teachers were resourceful and superb. I obtained Distinctions on all my modules, subsequently achieving my Diploma, further landing a job as a Customer Service Advisor at AEW. An exceptionally worthwhile step in my life's journey!" 


Paige Siviter - Floristry Level 2

"I started Floristry classes back in September 2022, have since completed my Level 1 qualification, and have progressed onto Level 2. I chose to attend classes to develop a skill and believe that attending every session is essential. We learn a new technique each week so missing classes means missing essential information. The Skills I have learnt have enabled me to move onto the next level and have given me the skills to find work in a floristry shop. I love my new job and aspire to one day running my own shop." 


Naurid Sharmin - BSL Level 2

"Inspired by my daughter I started An Introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) in 2022 and have progressed through the levels to my current course where I and studying for a BSL Level 2 qualification. Learning has been a wonderful experience so attending classes is a joy, I never want to miss one. With BSL being a visual language it's so much easier to learn in a classroom environment as visual gestures and eye contact are essential to learning this language. Good attendance is important, missing sessions is just not beneficial. I was a stay-at-home for 12 years and now my learning journey has given me the confidence to apply for work and my qualifications have enabled me the opportunity to secure a job as a Lunchtime Supervisor. A great starting point that fits around my family. Being a stay-at-home was a wonderful privilege but now it's time for me to learn and progress. My confidence has soared and I am now no longer just my husband's wife and my daughter's mum. I am excited abou...

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Elena Stan

"I first joined Adult Education Wolverhampton's (AEW) Family Learning classes at my son's school and it seemed like a natural progression to continue my studies with them. I am originally from Romania so I needed to develop my communication skills. This would enable me to live a fuller life here in the UK, giving me more opportunities to develop and integrate into the community and help me to develop further skills to better my chances of future employment. Attending classes boosted my confidence and I started interpreting for fellow Romanians. This led to me enrolling on a 'Community Interpreter' course which helped me to gain the necessary skills to better help the community. I have completed Maths, English, and Access to Higher Education and in September 2023 I joined a Parent Ambassadors course which helped me to secure a part-time position as a Parent Ambassador. As a parent Ambassador, I not only work with parents but have started working with nursery and reception helping suppor...

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Washington Shearer

Adult Education Wolverhampton would like to congratulate Washington Shearer on his learning achievements and is proud to announce that he has been chosen by the Festival of learning for the National Return to Learning Award'.The Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. The mission is to highlight the benefits of learning, celebrate achievements of adults who have used learning to transform their lives, and to encourage everyone to embrace lifelong learning.Each year Adult Education nominates a number of individuals from across the Service. This year Adult Education Wolverhampton are proud to announce that 3 of our students have been recognised for their achievements.  Washington's Story Whilst serving a five and a half year prison sentence I seriously started to think about the need to change my life. All my adult life I had hidden the fact that I couldn't read or write; I felt ashamed and embarrassed when faced with endless forms to fill in...

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