Life Skills in the Community ICT – Neil Dougherty Centre Digital Skills Tasks: Vaisakhi, Sikhism and India
Life Skills students based at the Neil Dougherty Centre have been making great progress developing their digital skills each week.
They completed research and internet browsing tasks based on Vaisakhi, Sikhism and India.
The students found lots of interesting information about these topics, as well as the location of Amritsar using Google Earth, Vaisakhi recipes, online jigsaws and music and dancing videos.
They also discovered that the weather for Vaisakhi was going to be much warmer in Amritsar than it was in Wolverhampton!
Students entered their findings onto a Word document and took part in an online quiz with questions based on their research.
Completing their weekly tasks has seen students become more confident with their digital and keyboard skills, using Chrome books to access Microsoft 365 applications such as Teams, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word.
They are also able to search on Google for information, videos and puzzles based on their own interests, such as music, football, quiz shows and historical buildings.
Some students are developing their abilities to use their own devices outside of lessons, as well as computers in other settings.
The tasks also embed wider skills and learning, such as English, celebration and awareness days and personal development.
Well done to all the students for their hard work and to their support workers as well, who are developing their own digital skills further whilst supporting the students.