Adult Education Wolverhampton plays a key role in moving our students closer to positive work outcomes. Working with employers to upskill existing employees, developing the work readiness skills of those looking for work, or providing a work placement, is essential to this work.

Some of the employers we work with include:

2 Sisters Food Group - where the ESOL team supported the development of employee language skills.

McLaughlin and Harvey Construction and the 2 Sisters Food Group - where we supported the everyday maths skills of employees via our Multiply Project.

Staff from the Grand Theatre were sent to BSL classes to develop skills in supporting Deaf customers attending signed performances.

Employers send students to Fast Track English and Maths online courses to develop their skills and gain a qualification at Functional Skills Level 2.

Low Hill Nursery is supporting one of its full-time staff members to gain an Early Year’s Educator Level 3 qualification.

Level 2 and Level 3 Childcare and Teaching Assistant students are required to undertake a placement in a school or childcare setting to practice the skills and knowledge they gain in the classroom. Work placements include Claregate Primary, Merridale Primary, St. Luke’s Primary, Field View Primary, Woodfield Primary, Warstones Primary, Bushbury Hill Primary, St. Michael’s C.E Primary, Villiers Primary, Penn Hall Special School, Merridale Primary, Broadmeadow Special School, Sandwell Valley School, Green Park Special School, Wallbrook Primary, St. Stephen’s C of E Primary, Lanesfield Primary, Stow Heath primary, St Peter and Paul Catholic Primary, Nishkam Primary, Bhylls Acre Primary School, Low Hill Nursery, Nishkam Nursery, Playdays Nursery, Glenthorne Community Primary, Strawberry Poppets, Little Bundles of Joy, Ashmore Park Nursery, Castle Croft Primary School (nursery), Rainbow Day Nursery and Newbridge Prep School.

AEW supports students with a learning disability on Supported Internship and Supported Employment courses to gain the skills to move closer to paid employment. Time spent in a work placement provides experience for their CV and a chance to practice skills and knowledge learned in the classroom. We work with a supply chain partner to source the placements and to provide the job coaching. Previous work placements have taken place at the Arena Theatre, Grand Theatre, Compton Hospice Shop and Café, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wulfrun Rose Care home, and many more.