Adult Education Wolverhampton collaborates effectively with several other education providers for sharing knowledge and experience amongst like-minded professionals for curriculum development and sharing good practices, for promotion purposes to engage with new audiences, and for providing aspirational next steps for students.

The majority of Access to Higher Education Diploma students progress to the University of Wolverhampton. Student referrals from the University Gateway and good links with curriculum leads ensure students are prepared for study at a higher level and that our curriculum delivery is in line with that of the university, in 2023-24 100% of students progressed to university. Two Higher Education Fairs held at AEW each year provide students with a wider knowledge of progression opportunities to universities within the region including Staffordshire, Worcester, and Birmingham.

Taking part in school career events promotes AEW as a potential next step. Schools include Westcroft School, Green Park School, Penn Hall School, and the Braybrook Centre.