Adult Education Wolverhampton has positive links with a range of local, regional, and national government bodies, they influence our strategic direction and day-to-day activities and provide the majority of our funding.

Multiply, a successful three-year Department for Education-funded project to improve everyday maths skills has engaged new and existing students. Overachieving our targets, in Year one we had 364 engagements and 102 students on substantive courses, in year two we had 701 engagements and 216 students on substantive courses and in year three we are well on our way to having 700 planned engagements and 300 students on substantive courses.

The UKSPF Strand 3 - ESOL Shared Prosperity course supports non-native English speakers in improving their English language skills, with a particular focus on employment-related communication. Delivered at The Workspace - All Saints Action Network, this course bridges the gap between job readiness, empowering participants to navigate the job market with confidence and effectiveness. 62 students have successfully completed their ESOL classes, marking a significant milestone for this program.

Two other UKSP courses delivered in collaboration with JobChange, creates new career opportunities in security and construction. The Door Supervision Licence course which includes first aid prepares students for work in pubs, clubs, and across industrial, retail and corporate sectors. The Level 1 Construction qualification and CITB test delivers essential hands-on training in construction skills, ensuring workers are well-versed in health, safety, and environmental practices, promoting safer and more efficient work environments. 34 students have licences, demonstrating the program's significant impact on their career prospects and community growth.

Links with the City Council Citizen, Literacy, and Advisory team to co-deliver resulted in a course to improve the integration of parents with ESOL needs to interact with their child’s schooling. In 2023/24, one student gained work in a local primary school.

The Council Supported Employment Team continues to support students to move into work at the end of a Supported Internship or Supported Employment course. Local and regional links have been made with other providers and deliverers of Supported Internships via the Black Country and National SEND Employment Forums. Working with BASE the Life Skills Team has taken part in the SIQAF peer review to ensure the quality of Supported Internships.