Kate Hubbard

Adult Education Wolverhampton would like to congratulate Kate Hubbard on her learning achievements and is proud to announce that she has been Highly Commended for this year's Learning for Health Award.The Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. The mission is to highlight the benefits of learning, celebrate achievements of adults who have used learning to transform their lives, and to encourage everyone to embrace lifelong learning. Kate's Story "After being struck down by a life changing illness in 2010, I needed a focus and a reason to wake up in the morning, so in 2013 I took a massive step and enrolled on the Activities 4 Health (now 'Like Minds') course at Adult Education Wolverhampton. This was just the start of my mission to survive and get my life back on track. The class was aimed at individuals who had suffered illness and mental health difficulties. For me it was the stepping stone back to the living, breathing world outside of my 4 w...

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Hala Akhras

Adult Education Wolverhampton would like to congratulate Hala Akhras on her learning achievements and is proud to announce that she has been been Highly Commended for this year's English Language Learning Award.The Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. The mission is to highlight the benefits of learning, celebrate achievements of adults who have used learning to transform their lives, and to encourage everyone to embrace lifelong learning. Hala's Story "To begin I have started studying English in 2015 at Adult Education Wolverhampton. Firstly I did entry level 3 ESOL, I then moved onto level 1 speaking and listening then reading and writing. I wanted to continue to Level 2 but this was as high as I could go with English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).Therefore I decided to move on to a higher level and enrolled on and IELTS course to prepare myself of the IELTS qualification. The reason I wanted to do this is because in my country of ...

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Washington Shearer

Adult Education Wolverhampton would like to congratulate Washington Shearer on his learning achievements and is proud to announce that he has been chosen by the Festival of learning for the National Return to Learning Award'.The Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. The mission is to highlight the benefits of learning, celebrate achievements of adults who have used learning to transform their lives, and to encourage everyone to embrace lifelong learning.Each year Adult Education nominates a number of individuals from across the Service. This year Adult Education Wolverhampton are proud to announce that 3 of our students have been recognised for their achievements.  Washington's Story Whilst serving a five and a half year prison sentence I seriously started to think about the need to change my life. All my adult life I had hidden the fact that I couldn't read or write; I felt ashamed and embarrassed when faced with endless forms to fill in...

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Creativity through poetry

During this term, some of my English learners have demonstrated their creative skills and produced some lovely poems about their mothers. The focus of their English session was to use adjectives to aid description, identify syllables to aid spelling and improve their range of vocabulary used in writing. They were also encouraged to include examples of literary devices to enhance their work.Learners were introduced to Haiku poetry, acrostic poetry and the concept of rhyme and repetition.Using poetry to reinforce these areas allowed them to express their feelings and thoughts while applying these skills in a creative way. Some of the comments in their learning diary stated that they:  We discussed literary devices, emotive language and vocabulary, and how to create emotion when writing. Putting these things together, and thinking about it whilst writing, has given me the tools to write a more complex and emotive piece in my exams. English Learners A small selection of work is attach...

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